Media Beat

A Very ‘Super’ Spring!

A Very Super Spring!

As most of you probably already know, Batman Vs. Superman has been released into theaters. The synopsis is basically the two heroes having an action packed, cinematic clash about how the city should be protected. Both Batman and Superman are respective super heroes in their areas. Both Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent know that there lies a greater evil that is bigger than them, which is Lex Luthor. Definitely a movie worth scoping out with some buddies!

Another ‘super spring’ title coming out this May is Captain America: Civil War.
With a similar plot, we have Captain America and his compatriots in an all out ‘war’ against Iron Man & Co. The basis behind the civil war is Bucky, a friend of Captain America, who has become a national danger. The government feels that super heroes should be monitored and contained while others believe in free will. Till then, we shall see who wins.

For all of you fans of the DC and Marvel Universe fans, this will be a spectacular spring.

Make sure to check out our media library titles from the Marvel and DC Universes!

The X-Men Trilogy
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Captain America                                                                                                                                        Iron Man Trilogy
Spider-Man Original and Reboot
And More!


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