On October 24, 2019, the IU Libraries Scholarly Communications Department partnered with the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity & Inclusion, the Center of Excellence for Women & Technology, and the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs to hold a workshop, “Raising Your Research Profile” that discussed Open Scholarship at IU as well as opportunities available for faculty and graduate students to increase their research profiles. This presentation was held as part of International Open Access Week, a week for institutions around the globe to facilitate events and initiatives that raise awareness about open access and empower faculty, staff, and students to get involved.
This year’s OA Week theme was “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge.” The key concepts behind this theme involve the assessment of open information accessibility and the assurance that every individual is able to participate in open scholarship without barriers. These ideas guide much of our work in the Scholarly Communication Department, with particular interest in equity among the open scholarship contributors. It is important to ensure that every individual is able to contribute his/her research to open access sources so that there is a diverse range of materials available. It was this goal that inspired the workshop. We strive to diversify the voices heard in academic research, and in order to do this it is crucial that we include the work of those who are currently underrepresented. IU scholars are creating excellent, ground-breaking research, and it’s important to draw attention to their work and provide them with the tools and services necessary to share it openly.
At the workshop, Scholarly Communication Librarian Sarah Hare discussed the opportunities for faculty and staff involvement with open access at IU, mentioning specifically the CV Service. With this service, IU Bloomington researchers are to make the full-text of their CV open access and available to all via IUScholarWorks. This service enables you to make as many items as possible from your CV open access conveniently and without breaking your existing copyright agreement. Additionally, depositing your work with IUScholarWorks can create opportunities for career advancement, as the visibility of your work is increased.
Open Scholarship Resident Willa Liburd Tavernier discussed research impact and how you can utilize IUScholarWorks to increase your visibility, which often leads to increased citation rates. Depositors can take advantage of this along with IUScholarWorks’ built-in metrics – which allow you to see how many times you page has been viewed or downloaded – to expand their academic profile. The Scholarly Communication Department can help you create and manage scholarly profiles profile, including Google Scholar and ORCID, track the impact of your work using online tools, and much more.
Our hope is that by increasing the visibility of all scholars and their research we can work toward a future where not only is information open, but where participation is open to all. By striving for this equity, we can shape the foundation of our systems for creating and sharing knowledge to be inclusive, diverse, and reflective of users.
Interested in making your scholarship open in our institutional repository? Contact IUSW@indiana.edu
Find the presentation slides in our institutional repository: http://hdl.handle.net/2022/24692
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