• Rachel Wheeler says:

    Hi Natalie–thanks so much for taking the time to research and share your results with everyone.

    I like how your search result returned an image at the bottom of the page. I replicated your first search and for some reason my page did not include the thumbnail of the image. Ditto with Yahoo and Bing. That image and the relevancy you saw are encouraging, though.

    I visited Marshall Breeding’s Library Technology Guide for GWU Libraries: http://www.librarytechnology.org/lwc-displaylibrary.pl?RC=2384 It looks like they are using Voyager for their ILS and AquaBrowser Library as their Discovery Layer. The site doesn’t mention the FindIt API so maybe it is an experimental project.

  • Natalie Bulick says:

    I discovered NCSU Libraries’ Rare and Unique Digital Collections has incorporated Schema.org. Through the digital collection I discovered item: http://d.lib.ncsu.edu/collections/catalog/mc00383-001-ff0006-001-001_0038. I searched Google for the Item title, “Architect, Charles N. Parker, 1927 panel.” My search returned the exact item in the NCSU Libraries’ Rare and Unique Digital Collections as the first hit. The image from the collection was also available as a thumbnail at the bottom of the page results.

    I also tried another search through George Washington University Libraries through their FindIt library service and discovered this item: http://findit.library.gwu.edu/item/2278513. I searched Google for “Evaluation research in education” and also tried “Evaluation research in education / William W. Cooley, Paul R. Lohnes.” No hits. Perhaps GWU Libraries have some bugs to work out?

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