Media Beat

Midwinter, Mischief, and Movies!

Image of full moon centered among trees
KingStephenArthur. Moonlit Night. Deviant Art. June 10 2012,

As winter darkness drags on past the holidays, some folks combat the bleakness with weapons of coziness. Others relish the continued spookiness of the short days and dark nights. Still others strike a balance by watching eerie movies while snuggling up with warm apple cider and fluffy blankets. As your guest blogger and movie guide this week, I know a film that is the perfect blend of creepiness, comedy, suspense, and romance, with some great music thrown in for good measure.

It is hard to find someone who has not at least heard of the 1993 film  Hocus Pocus. It is my favorite movie to watch with a warm drink and some fuzzy socks. Why? It’s got everything!


Image of an eye on the cover of a magic spell book.
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,

This movie is crammed with creepiness! There are multiple deaths within the first fifteen minutes, which ramps up the creep factor to at least an eight before we even meet the main character. Also, there’s an eyeball on a book, the cover of which is made of skin. I mean, come on!


The suspense is more subtle, but the uncertainty woven into the plot keeps the tension high. Children possibly walking towards their doom, dead people being brought back to life—these things keep you on the edge of your seat!

Image of two women and child staring at a car
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,


Image of a man in a devil custome
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,

The comedic timing and script are all genius, and are an integral part of what makes this movie so great! Winifred’s sass. . . spicy! Max’s skepticism and quick thinking. . . on point! Allison’s bratty yet clever personality. . . amazing! This dynamic, and the kooky cameos, lend themselves to great dialogue and lines that stand the test of time. Truly iconic!

Image of actress Bette Midler playing a witch
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,


Some people want romance even in the spookiest of stories, and this film fills those needs. While the romance is present and memorable, it in no way distracts from the central focus of the plot, which is crucial in a movie like this. Having a strong, female love interest that is helpful to the plot is one of the film’s strengths, and it is nice to see playful banter and even antagonism between the pair before their relationship blooms.

Image of a girl and boy in the kitchen
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,


I PUT A SPELL ON YOU!  Classic song; classic rendition. No need to say anything else!

Image of Sarah Jessica Parker playing a witch
Hocus Pocus. IMDb. 14 January 2020,

The amalgamation of all these thrills and delights makes Hocus Pocus a movie that will continue to be a go-to for years and years to come. If you have not seen it, come check it out from Media Services at Wells Library, and let us know if you agree! SM

Have a favorite wintertime movie of your own? Let us know in the Comments section!

Guest blogger Sydney Morrow is a third-year Choral Music Education major. She likes to spend time reading and watching musicals, Law and Order SVU, or the Hunger Games series!

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